Saturday, March 31, 2018

I'm going through changes [Pt 2]

So......... still 30.

Opens a Trinidad from Fanny Mae because I do life RIGHT.

Also, cracks open a beer... because wine hurts my belly. [GERD]

Dear Mrs. Smith:

You're 30 so here is Low T... which includes: Cystic Acne, facial hair, low 'snuggle' drive, exhaustion, and EXTREME anger. Here is a shot in the ass once a month. *gets shot in ass* [allergic to the cottonseed oil in shot- pukes and has injection rejected throughout the body for three weeks]

Still has a beard..... still has massive zits creating pain only Satan himself would wish upon me. [I know you're still making me pay for what I did freshman year *never forget* cue me brushing me beard out]

Hello 30 year old Bethanie.. with an IE. 

IE unlike any other Bethany ever born, ever. 

Fun story... I was born with an insanely massive tongue. Like, so big I have permanent teeth marks on my tongue from childhood. Like, I had a lisp I STILL battle controlling circa 1989 [your boo at 2 years old]... and it's STILL not adorable.

Please-for my years of crippling social anxiety, introversion, and self doubt say, 'Bethanie Nicole Nicolas' with a strong lisp, ten times fast. 

YEAHHHHHH, sign me up for therapy *1997*

[doesn't actually make it to therapy till 2006-damage is already done.... *too f-ed up to solve worlds problems, get's a pizza instead- orders self help books on Prime, falls asleep early, immediately after meditation app completes session*7 PM*]

God, you're STILL 30. 

My daughter's response to love shit.... she gets it... more than most adults. #getitgirl


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