Monday, December 8, 2014

Christmas Time.

I don't know if I have a TON of love languages but my main love language is gift giving. I LOVE it. I only wished I still worked so I could get more for other people. I LOVE seeing people's faces when they get something they want. Is that weird? I really don't care.... I love it.

I already have everyone set and bought for and wrapped. The house looks like Santa had too much egg nog and puked everywhere. And I also... LOVE it.

My family tolerates it.... or at least they don't say anything, and that's okay by me.

It is probably my last year for a while that I can go all out, lord help us when Dallas starts walking. Everything will be destroyed.

I am so thankful that we finally own our house. I am grateful that we are all healthy. I am happy I can rip down walls and no one (except for maybe my husband) will say anything.....

More than anything.... I love that I get to share this season with the two most adorable children ever... and lets be honest, they really are:

My cutie patooties. 


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