Friday, October 10, 2014

Crying over Spilled Milk.

It's not my first rodeo... I should know better. I was even warned that this would happen... and yet I still was blindsided. 

I cried today. 2 am-9 am on and off. I cried. I cried when I spilled his bottle. I cried when the swing wouldn't rock fast enough. I cried when he cried. I don't know, he may have cried when I cried. It's all a little bit of a blur. 

I love him. SO. MUCH. but I also love sleep. And I have a puppy and another child and a husband and a house to care for. And I had surgery two weeks ago.... and I am failing at taking care of anyone/thing else at the moment. I call it survival mode. Mommy survival mode. 

Some how I managed to wash bottles. reschedule doctor's appointments (I shouldn't be driving) and did a load of dishes. I still am sitting surrounded by toys from my oldest. Another load of dishes. Ingredients for a cheesecake that I promised I would make. laundry that is calling my name. But, I'm probably going to sit here for a second longer (or minute. or hour) and enjoy the fact I finally got a meal today (at noon) and though my coffee is now cold, I may just finish it anyway. 

Bills do have to be paid today and Dinner needs to be made... but I have till 5 pm... right? 

Worth every sleepless night. Krystal Shaw Photography :) 

Saturday, October 4, 2014

One Week Postpartum.

I worked really hard on my body during pregnancy in the hopes that recovery would be fast and I would be able to bounce back faster. I have stuck to a VERY strict clean diet since I had him, and though the bloating is still there (our uterus is 11 times the size it was pre-pregnancy and takes 3-4 weeks to back to it's normal size and weight) I am feeling great.

I am back in my pre-pregnancy jeans. and a few pounds away from my wedding weight :) 

I have three goal weights in mind and I feel like when trying to get back in shape having mini goals instead of one big one is more attainable. 

Wedding Weight is the first goal... if you couldn't tell.

Though I cannot workout for 5 more weeks, I am going to work on myself in the kitchen until then!

This week Mr. Man had his first 'real' bath... and he was a fan, at least until it was over :) How stinking cute is he??

Thursday, October 2, 2014


I had a baby!


I never knew how happy it would make me to have him here, but I feel like everything has fallen into place. I have the love of my life and Mini and now I feel like life is complete. Dallas has joined in perfectly.

Now if only he got the memo when bedtime was life would be AWESOME. 

For now I think I am okay with him sleeping on me. I mean look at how adorable he is:

I think I'm going to join in on nap time too.