Monday, November 16, 2015

Well Hello There...

Isn't it weird how you have a baby and then boom! They are a year old. That is how I feel. The past year has been so fun, busy, and full of new adventures. 

Today provoked me to sit back down in front of my screen. It just has been to long. I have been yearning to take the time to do so, but I kept making excuses, being too tired, or just trying to make it through to the next crazy day. But today, I am sitting down. In between Walking Dead and Gotham, this is happening. 

Last month Little man decided to headbutt me before bedtime, collapsing the rest of my already deviated septum. So I went to get it fixed last Wednesday. I can breathe now, but I am miserable. This is not a surgery I would recommend for people with small children. It's done with now though... no going back. 

There was this sweet moment today, I was standing in the kitchen (I can't smell or taste anything thanks to the surgery) and I was trying to figure out dinner. Little man was standing screaming holding onto my legs (his molar is coming in, the last of four) his nap wasn't near long enough. Mini Me and I were trying to keep him happy. In that moment, the dogs were whining because the baby is upset, the cat was trying to snuggle him, Mini was trying to bribe him with Barbies... and my legs were his personal snot-filled jungle gym, I really thought about how I needed a walk in closet. Not for clothes but for hiding. And meditating. I need to make sure there is a wine fridge in there.... and a TV with Netflix. Crap, I'm a mom.... there is no time for Netflix and Chill between 4:30 AM and 8 PM... and then again not allowed between around 12 AM-2 AM depending on if Little Man wants to sleep or party. 

The kitchen day dreaming passed, and the dogs calmed. The cat found a chair to sleep in. Little Man took the bribe and was content with the Barbie. Mini and I stood in the kitchen eating chicken fries and garlic bread... because it is Monday. There is no rhyme or reason to today, other than we are happy, we are healthy, and we are together...

Tomorrow is another day, and I cannot wait to see what it holds for my gang. 

Great to connect again! 

Thursday, January 8, 2015


Happy New Year!

I can't believe that we are welcoming this year with two kids. A house (mid-renovation) and currently enjoying a snow day.

2014 was very interesting. It definitely was a time of growth, joy, and changes.... I can't wait to see what 2015 has to hold for us. I am not going to lie I am ready for a relaxing, fun, calm year. I'm all for that. 

This year we have so much to be thankful for, and even though I don't like the whole 'resolution' thing, I am trying to make changes (permanent) in my life for the better everyday... for myself, for my husband, and for my babies. 

Healthier life.

Happier life.

I am soaking in every moment of it. The kids are changing so much, it chokes me up... but I love it. Watching Mini pursue her academic goals, and surpassing them. Enjoying being a kid. Mr. D Is pushing himself up, giggling uncontrollably and making sure that we all know he HATES teething.

We have half a kitchen. A wall broken down. Flooring ready to be installed. Our second bathroom almost done, after tonight. So many fun changes and things to look forward too. 

Above all, we are all healthy, happy, and enjoying life. 

Today we are being lazy. We are snuggled in. It's below negative four.... watching movies, building legos, taking naps, blogging.... thinking about cleaning.... and trying to stay warm.

I hope you all have had an amazing start to the new year. I'm waiting with anticipation to see what all comes.